Does your company allow employees to bring and use their own smart phones, tablets, laptops, or computers to work? With the increase in popularity of these devices, many employers allow their employees to use their own devices to help increase productivity. If the company allows data to be accessed through these devices, the company should consider a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Policy. These polices are a good addition into an email and internet policy within an Employee Handbook. Each business is different and has its own technology needs, so your BYOD Policy should be tailored to the company. Too restrictive of a policy could lead to a decrease in productivity, and too open of a policy could lead to loss of confidential data. Most employee handbooks that have not been revised in the last few years will not address all the issues that come with connecting employees’ devices to company servers.
Luke D. Bottorff
Business Lawyer
[email protected]
615.829.8250 x3